on the dock is a podcast where our Host, Pastor troy Benitone, facilitates Conversations that Propel your Faith. our goal is to help you out of the shallows and into the deep. Join us each episode as different guest speakers share wisdom and experiences of how they walk out their faith.


“On a personal spiritual retreat late in the year of 2020, I was complaining to the Lord about how the COVID-19 Pandemic was thwarting our ability to physically travel for church planting and outreach trips with our partners in Liberia, West Africa and Thailand. So disappointed, disconnected and unable to get in the game. Then I realized that our COFTV.com efforts, holding an alternative Herrin House of Hope VIRTUAL Fun Day in place of in-person and holding regular online services where actually allowing us to expand our reach in amazing ways. Maybe we couldn’t travel, but our message could! I had amazing relationships with people who could be such an incredible resource. If we could just get their messages and stories out! I began to realize I could bring them into a studio and begin conversations that, despite the time and our ability to travel, we could still inspire our Christian Sisters and Brothers to excellence through a dynamic podcast.

While the enemy of God thought he could thwart us through disease and pestilence; to be forced into isolation and separation, God has showed through the power of the On the Dock with Pastor Troy podcast that we can come together and maybe do something that is greater. We can produce a show that you our OTD Friends, Partners and Sponsors can share out there through our social, video and audio platforms to actually  build and equip one another to be stronger and more faithful followers of Christ. Through that I believe the building of the Kingdom of God can go on.

My goal is simple at On the Dock. We are all about "Conversations that propel your faith, Out of the shallows and into the Deep!"  We are helping believers to become Truth Walkers by providing teaching, coaching and examples of Christ-followers to help propel us out of the shallows and go deeper in our service, work and walk for Jesus Christ.”

- Pastor Troy

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Pastory troy

Pastor Troy is the Host of “On the Dock with Pastor Troy.” A podcast that is about leading, coaching, inspiring and encouraging through conversations that can help “Propel your faith out of the shallows and into the deeper things of God.” Rev. Dr. Troy D. Benitone is the Directing Pastor of Community of Faith Church and also the Executive Director (Founder) of Hands of Hope Foundation. He and his family returned to Southern Illinois in April 2010, after serving the Lord as a pastor and church planter in several cities over the previous 20 years. He has led numerous mission trips and crusades to plant churches in Honduras, Liberia, West Africa and Thailand. Pastor Troy shares, “My heart’s desire is to be involved in leading the church in the area of new church development and in expanding the reach of the Church through growing new faith communities through new churches starts. My life credo is to dream dreams and plan plans so grand that if God is not in them, they are doomed to fail.”

Read full bio .


Donna Kraniewski, Executive Producer

Beth Benitone, Co-Host

Lucas Winkler, Techno Wizard

Colt Chrostoski, Tech Ninja